Accredited Costa Rica Dental Labs
COSTA RICA DENTAL ASSOCIATION Dental Accreditation program
Accredited Costa Rica Dental Labs
Accredited Costa Rica Dental Labs

When you choose an accredited dental clinic for your dental care in Costa Rica, it’s equally important to ensure that their dental lab is also accredited. Only the very best dental labs in Costa Rica have received accreditation from the Costa Rica Dental Association.

Accreditation requires stringent infection control and case management standards with a requirement of having at least one Certified Dental Technician employed at the laboratory.

The Accredited Dental Laboratory (ADL) designation provides assurance that a laboratory has met specific standards relating to quality assurance, safety, and dental manufacturing practices. By earning and maintaining the ADL designation, a dental laboratory proves to clients and patients that the laboratory is consistently monitoring and attempting to improve the quality and efficiency of their services and facilities.

Accredited dental laboratories in Costa Rica are recognized for their advanced levels of professionalism. Accreditation includes the establishment and enforcement of peer-defined standards. ADLs must demonstrate compliance with requirements pertaining to employee safety and education, physical facility equipment and processes, quality assurance procedures, policies for billing and re-work circumstances among others. This designation requires stringent infection control and case management standards with at least one Certified Dental Technician employed within the laboratory.

Accredited Dental Labs in Costa Rica receive:

  • An incentive to increase quality and efficiency.
  • Criteria for maintaining facility and management standards.
  • Improved business opportunities.
  • Peer recognition.
  • Enhanced professional visibility.

Why Become an Accredited Dental Laboratory?

Dental laboratory accreditation is voluntary. Laboratories that take the extra steps to become accredited represent the top of their field. ADLs have documented not only compliance with peer-defined standards but a desire to lead the industry. An Accredited Dental Laboratory takes pride in the quality and professionalism of its products and services. These are dental labs that dental clinics and dental patients can trust.

The Costa Rica Dental Association has established specific standards for personnel skills, laboratory facilities and infection control in dental laboratories. Achieving and maintaining accreditation offers a dental laboratory a nationally recognized credential attesting to compliance with competency standards that are widely accepted by dentistry and dental technology. This may prove invaluable in building a credible reputation and brand.

Accredited Dental Laboratory (ADL) Information

Accreditation is the professional standard in dental laboratory technology. It is the means to identify the dental technicians and dental laboratories that have demonstrated their technical qualifications against a national standard and displayed their commitment to maintaining quality within dental technology. Since accreditation is voluntary, laboratory accreditation represents not only compliance with documented standards but a desire to be an industry leader - a dental laboratory that takes pride in the quality and professionalism of its products and services.

An Accredited Dental Laboratory (ADL) must:
  • Employ Certified Dental Technicians. An Accredited Dental Laboratory (ADL) must employ Certified Dental Technicians (CDT's) -- who are subject to strict continuing education requirements.
  • Document facility compliance with accepted health and safety standards. The ADL Board seeks to assure that Accredited Dental Laboratories are well equipped to provide high quality service, and that they comply with necessary standards of occupational health and safety. The ADL Board encourages standards of lighting, ventilation and overall maintenance that will make the laboratory a desirable working environment that will attract technicians who are committed to high standards for themselves and their profession.
  • Maintain high levels of training and practice in infection control. For a dental laboratory to provide professional-level support to dentistry, its technicians must keep pace with new technological developments, current theory, and practice in dental restorations. ADL Guidelines further recommend that all employees of Accredited Dental Laboratories pursue continuing education opportunities on a regular basis.